IB Diploma Program
The IB-Diploma program, created in 1968, is a two-year pre-university course, designed for highly motivated secondary school students aged 16-19. The program has earned a reputation of rigorous assessment, giving IB diploma holders access to the world's leading universities. It is designed to facilitate the educational mobility of students and to promote international understanding.
The IBO's (International Baccalaureate Organization) goal is to provide students with the values and opportunities that will enable them to develop sound judgment, make wise choices, and respect others in the global community. The Diploma Program equips students with the skills and attitudes necessary for success in higher education and employment.
The IB is a program for students who hold a Lebanese nationality, as well as, for students with a second nationality other than the Lebanese. Students with a Lebanese nationality, need to satisfy certain conditions set by the Ministry of Education in order to secure an equivalency of the IB Diploma with the Lebanese Baccalaureate.
Students applying for the IB should have a good all round understanding of academic subjects. A good knowledge of the English Language is also a prerequisite as all teaching, except for languages, is in English.
To be eligible for the award of the Diploma, all candidates must have:
* Completed the exams in six subjects
* Submitted an Extended Essay
* Attended TOK (Theory of Knowledge)
* Fulfilled the CAS requirements (Creativity Action, Service)
The IB Curriculum consists of six subject groups. The students must select one subject from each group. Of these, a maximum of 4 and a minimum of 3, must be studied at Higher Level (HL) and remaining at Standard Level (SL).
Subject Groups:
1- Language A (First Language)
- English A: Literature
- English A: Language and Literature
- Arabic A: Literature
2- Language B / Ab initio (Second Modern Language) Arabic - French - Spanish
3- Individuals and Societies
- Business Management
- Economics
- Environmental Systems and Societies (ESS)
- History
- Psychology
4- Experimental Sciences
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Computer Science
- Design Technology
- Environmental Systems and Societies (ESS)
- Physics
5- Mathematics
- Mathematics Analysis and Approaches
- Math Applications and Interpretations
6- The Arts and Electives
- Film
- Theater
- Visual Arts
- Or another subject from either groups 2,3,4.
All subjects are offered at both; the Higher Level (HL) and the Standard Level (SL) except for Arabic A and the Ab initio subjects, which are only offered at the Standard Level (SL).
In order to develop the skill of in-depth and independent research, students must submit an extended essay in one of their IB subjects. They will be given advice and guidance by a teacher at school.
TOK is an interdisciplinary course aiming at connecting different subject matters and helping the students to form critical opinions. There is no exam in this course but one essay will be externally assessed and class presentations as well as self evaluation are required.
The IB has a highly academic profile, but also aims at giving a whole and balanced education. Thus, IB students have to complete a critical opinions. There is no exam in this course but one externally assessed essay and an internally assessed exhibition, as well as, self evaluation are required.
All students must sit for exams in all subjects. The examinations are held simultaneously in the northern hemisphere during the month of May. Having common exams and examining boards maintain International Standards.
TOK Exhibition 2022
Why the IB Diploma?
* It incorporates the best elements of National Systems without being based on anyone
* Students share academic experience that emphasizes critical thinking, intercultural understanding, and exposure to a variety of points of view
* Smaller group of students per subject
* A good preparation for university study
* At AUB, students with the IB Diploma are accepted at the sophomore level if they opt to any art major, while in the science majors they must fulfill certain requirements
* At LAU, students with the IB Diploma are accepted at the sophomore level
* In the USA, IB exams will increase a student's chance for securing admission to selective universities. Several Canadian universities accept the IB Diploma as an admission credential, if the scores on the Diploma meet certain targets.
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